Florida Elder Law & Estate Planning Blog

Estate Planning For Minor Children
How To Protect Minor Children With An Estate Plan: 5 Tips
July 28, 2020

Do you have an estate plan that protects your minor child if you pass away? It’s essential that you do. If nothing else, this pandemic has demonstrated that no one is immune. Hopefully you will be around a long time…

Medicaid Spousal Allowance
Florida Medicaid Rules For The Well Spouse’s Income
July 20, 2020

Florida rules for long-term nursing care are complicated and are actually a combination of both state and federal regulations. Among the rules of great importance for married couples is the Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance, or MMMNA. What is the…

The story of two wills, one eaten by the dog
July 8, 2020

The dog ate my homework! That time-worn excuse usually gets an unprepared student an “F”. But suppose Rover isn’t interested in your homework, but in your last will and testament? That could result in an “L” – as in lawsuit. …

New Florida law better protects the elderly from bad guardians
June 27, 2020

Most court-appointed guardians do their best to compassionately serve their elderly wards. But there’s no doubt about it: There have been bad apples in Florida’s public guardianship system. Over the years the state has introduced several measures aimed at better…

You now have until August 31 to reverse RMDs taken for 2020
June 24, 2020

The CARES Act of 2020 allows taxpayers to skip required minimum withdrawals from IRAs, 401k and 403b plans this year. The law was enacted on March 27, 2020. What about people who took their withdrawal prior to its passage, say,…

IRS gives more Americans access to corona virus-related penalty-free loans, distributions from retirement accounts
June 24, 2020

The CARES Act was designed to provide a measure of financial relief to Americans impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The two-trillion-dollar legislation was passed on March 27, 2020. As noted in a prior post, among the law’s provisions is an…

Florida cohabiting couples need legal plans to protect themselves, one another
June 18, 2020

Many of our clients “cohabit.” They are committed to one another and share a home, but are unwilling to marry, usually for legal and financial reasons. If this is your situation, for all intents and purposes you may consider yourselves…

Florida residents riding out the pandemic in New York: what about residency and taxes?
June 15, 2020

When the incidence of coronavirus surged in New York in March, some Florida residents were stuck there, under orders to shelter in place. Some were in their own New York homes, others staying with relatives. Some who might have risked…

Senior Abuse
Has the Nursing Home Taken Your Loved One’s Stimulus Check?
May 20, 2020

If your loved is residing in a long-term care facility and receiving Medicaid benefits, here’s a fact you need to know: The nursing home is NOT entitled to take the stimulus money your loved one may receive under the federal…

How Would You Feel About Being Put On A Ventilator?
May 20, 2020

If you contract COVID 19 and are hospitalized, what kinds of interventions do you want? According to a May 12, 2020 report from Kaiser Health News, one thing many older people definitely DON’T want is to be placed on a ventilator….
