Florida Elder Law & Estate Planning Blog

court guardianship
How To Protect Yourself From Court-Ordered Guardianship, And How One Ward Fought Back
September 10, 2020

Our Florida elder law attorneys help people make plans not just for death, but for life. Among those important life plans is avoiding court-ordered guardianship. Nearly 1.5 million Americans are currently under guardianship, most over the age of 65. There…

florida nursing home
Florida Lifts Visitation Ban on Long-Term Care Facilities, But With Serious Restrictions
September 5, 2020

Under certain strict conditions, you may once again be able to visit your loved one who resides in a Florida nursing home or assisted living facility. Long-term care facilities and assisted living facilities were closed to most visitors beginning in…

children at 18 need health documents
When You Kid Turns 18, He Needs These Legal Documents
August 30, 2020

Your child’s 18th birthday may seem like just another birthday on the road to adulthood. But legally speaking, it represents a massive change for him, and for you. Those 18 candles on the birthday cake mean you, the parent, are…

elder financial abuse
Florida Seniors Get More Protection From Financial Exploitation Under New Law
August 27, 2020

Vulnerable seniors are getting more protection from financial exploitation, thanks to a new Florida law that went into effect on July 1, 2020. The new law increases the ability of financial advisors to take action when they suspect their elderly…

Florida home
Financial Fraud: Don’t Let Someone Steal Your Home
August 25, 2020

Property fraud is a growing crime in Florida and elsewhere, the FBI reports. The crime is, essentially, “house stealing.” Here’s how it works:  A fraudster, using information about you gleaned from the internet or elsewhere, files a fraudulent deed or…

Veterans benefits
V.A. Disability Agent Orange Benefits Considered for Vets With Parkinsons, Bladder Cancer, Hypothyroidism
August 20, 2020

Some Vietnam Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange may be getting a step closer to collecting the benefits they have been seeking for decades. On July 22, 2020, the U.S. Senate passed the “The Fair Care for Vietnam Veterans…

florida nursing home visit
Florida Nursing Homes Still Locked Down: When Can You Visit Your Loved One Again?
August 17, 2020

Our Florida elder law attorneys advise many families who have a loved one residing in a long-term care nursing facility. While the coronavirus pandemic has been disruptive and burdensome for everyone, it has created additional, brutal realities for these families….

Super Lawyers 2020 Badge - Joseph S Karp
Florida Elder Law & Estate Planning Lawyer Joseph Karp named 2020 Super Lawyer
July 31, 2020

Congratulations to our firm’s founder, Attorney Joseph S. Karp. Thomson Reuters has once again recognized Mr. Karp as a “Super Lawyer.” Super Lawyers are selected based on their expertise and contributions to their legal field, and the evaluations of their…

inheritance trust
An Inheritance Trust Can Keep Your Assets In Your Family
July 30, 2020

Do you have married children? Are you thinking about your estate planning? If the answer to both is yes, one of your goals is probably making sure your hard-earned assets end up with your own grandchildren should your child get…

Estate Plan Safe Consultation and Signing
Estate Plan Safe Consultation and Signing
July 29, 2020

During these difficult days, people are trying to figure out how can they safely create an estate plan or modify an existing one. We at The Karp Law Firm have come up with a simple, safe method in order to…
