Florida Elder Law & Estate Planning Blog

Karp Law Firm Assists Charitable Client

Attorney Karp had the pleasure of helping Lake Worth resident, Ms. Aino Rouvari, design her estate plan. Ms. Rouvari was eager to assist vulnerable children and disabled individuals. Sadly, Ms. Rouvari passed away in 2010, but her legacy lives on in the form of several bequests she made to local charities.   As her Co-Trustee, Attorney Karp recently presented bequests from the Rouvari Trust to the following organizations:

The V.A. Medical Center, West Palm Beach.  Mr. Karp with Mary Phillips, director of volunteers (left) and Medical Center Director Charleen Szabo. Ms. Rouvari’s bequest of $50,000 will be used to provide veterans with emergency financial assistance. Website: http://www.westpalmbeach.va.gov/giving/

Lighthouse Center for the Blind, West Palm Beach.  Ms. Rouvari left $5,000 to this nonprofit that provides education and community support to the  blind, legally blind and visually impaired. At left, Mr. Karp with Mary Allen, Director of Vision Services. Website: http://www.lighthousepalmbeaches.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=sitemap.supportlighthouse

The Children’s Place at Home Safe. Attorney Karp presented CEO Matthew Ladika with $5,000 from the Rouvari Trust. Home Safe provides services to at-risk abused and neglected children. Website: http://www.homesafeforkids.org/entry1.html

The Palm Beach Habilitation Center. This organization provides services to adults with mental, physical and/or emotional disabilities. Ms. Rouvari left $5000 to the organization. At left, Mr. Karp with CEO Tina Phillips.

Website: http://www.pbhab.com/main/make-a-donation/