Florida Elder Law & Estate Planning Blog

nursing home arbitration
Nursing home arbitration clauses no longer permitted
October 7, 2016

SEE NOVEMBER 10, 2016 STATUS UPDATE ON THE NEW CMS RULE. CLICK HERE. Pre-dispute binding arbitration clauses will no longer be permitted in nursing home admissions contracts, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has ruled. The new rule goes…

long-term care
How will you pay for long-term care?
May 19, 2016

Genworth just released its latest analysis of long-term care costs. The numbers are startling. The cost Nationally, the current median cost for a semi-private room in a nursing home is $82,125 per year; for a private room, $92,378. That’s an…

Fine Print
Don’t sign the nursing home’s mandatory arbitration clause
April 17, 2016

Admitting a loved one to a nursing home can be a deeply  emotional, troubling experience, but it is important to keep your wits about you. In prior posts (read more here and here) we advised you to read the fine…

Senior Man in Wheelchair
Will Medicare pay for your Florida nursing home?
July 7, 2012

Are you one of the many Florida residents relying on Medicare to pay your way if you ever need nursing home care? Depending on what you mean by “nursing home,” you, your family and your pocketbook could be in for…
